If you charge for licenses, free software will be100 cheaper than your product. 如果您收取许可证费用,免费软件将比您的产品便宜100。
I wonder if there will be an enterprising theater that will charge a little more for "advertisement free" theaters. 我想会不会有一种花钱为看电影的观众免除这些广告的电影院呢。
Charge for the printed paper; give free access to the Web version. 印刷版的报纸是收费的,但是网络版的是免费的。
Is there a charge for children or do they go free? 那儿对孩子收费吗,还是他们能免费去?
Demonstration on the difference between polarized charge and free charge 极化电荷与自由电荷之间区别的演示实验
Officially Chinese hospitals are limited in what they can charge for services, but are free to generate volume to boost revenue by over provision of services and medical products including medicines. 正常情况下,中国的医院收取的服务费用是有限的,但可自由利用过度扩大医疗服务和过多提供包括药品在内的医疗产品来提高收入。
For multinational enterprises, house lease service charge free, service information feedback in1 hour. 对广大跨国企业免收房屋租赁服务费,1小时内反馈服务信息。
This paper introduces the classification of agricultural information resources free of charge, search methods and free database of domestic and foreign. 介绍了免费农业信息资源的分类、检索方法以及国内外重要的免费数据库。
This means that it offers almost all its products without charge, and has provided free WiFi in location such as airports at times. 这意味着几乎其所有产品都免费。
Adults pay an admission charge but children get in free. 成年人付门票而儿童则免费。
With a justice, daring charge and free oneself; 具有正义感,敢管事、敢出头;
And agent service no charge for purchase anything, please feel free to contact us, hoping friendly cooperation. 并可免收服务费为客户代理采购各式产品,欢迎随时联络,真诚合作!
The soft system modified and expanded contains augmented combustion action due to propellant granule extrusion failure in charge bed and influence of free interspace between two charge units on interior ballistic process. 改进和扩充后的软件系统,包含有由于火药颗粒挤压破碎引起的增燃作用和两截装药之间自由空间对内弹道过程的影响。
Effect of oxygen net charge of free radical on the reactivity of peroxides 自由基氧净电荷对过氧化物引发剂活性的影响
From Charge Free to Charging ② The relationship between the discharge levy amount and the total pollution load retains a highly positive correlation. 从免费到收费②废水排污收费总额与污染负荷高度线形相关;
Method of calculations for electron beam comtours including the effect of space charge was derived from the field free of space charge. 讨论如何由无空间电荷存在的场求空间电荷作用下电子注的包迹。
Introduction of the patent information sources on Internet, including charge and free. Focus on searing patents for free on Internet including abstract and fulltext, Ordering original patent through Internet, etc. 介绍了Internet网上的专利信息资源(包括付费和免费),重点介绍了如何通过Internet查找免费的专利(包括文摘和全文),以及通过Internet订购专利原文等。
It is given a formula about the general relationship between polarization and such charge as induced charge and free charge, and the sufficient condition that polarization is decided only by the distribution of induced charge. 给出了极化强度与极化电荷及自由电荷的一般关系,指出了极化强度仅由极化电荷分布决定的充分条件。
From Charge Free to Charging 从免费到收费
To investigate the parameters of parallel cut blast without empty holes, an advanced numerical method is used to study the explosion effect of charge in hole perpendicular to a free surface. 为了考查无空孔直眼掏槽爆破参数,采用数值模拟方法研究单自由面垂直炮孔的爆炸作用问题。
Understanding of the transient response of electronegative radio_frequency glow plasmas is important for process control, better selectivity etch technology and charge free etching. 了解含有负离子的低温等离子体的过渡特性,在等离子体控制过程中,尤其在选择性等离子体腐蚀工艺和改善电荷堆积等现象中是十分重要的课题。
A discussion on the standards of charge on free medical care 有关公费医疗费用相关标准的探讨
The results show that increasing the input power and lowering down the charge mass will increase the free surface height of the melt. 结果表明:增加功率或减少炉料质量均使自由液面高度增大;
Not only it made operators in charge free from busy adjustment, but also, it reached the purpose of reactive dispatch curve examination really. 不仅把运行值班人员从繁忙的调整中解脱出来,而且,真正达到了无功调度曲线考核的目的。
In the era of rapidly developing information technology, China medical library community must be alert in idea. Internet is excellent, but authoritative databases whereon still charge without discount, free delivery of full text service from substantial journals is rarely available. 在信息技术高速发展时代,我国医学图书馆界必须有冷静的观念:Internet虽好,但各大权威数据库照常收费;
Numerical simulation of basting process of extended charge in single free face relys to mighty counting function of Ls-dyna program, and analyzes engendering and spreading of blasting stress wave and crashing process of rock in different radius of blast hole and different charge length. 应用LS-DYNA程序的强大计算功能对单自由面条件下延长药包的爆破过程进行了数值模拟,分析了不同炮孔半径、装药长度的条件下爆炸应力波的产生、传播及岩石的破碎过程。
TSD charge spectra show an obviously shift of the mean charge depth toward the free surface of samples for the two kinds of polymers during heating, indicating the deeper charge traps in the surface region than that in the bulk region. 电荷TSD在线测量表明,升温过程中两种聚合物膜的电荷重心明显地向膜自由面漂移,表面层中存在比体阱更深的能阱。
The Background, requirement, design idea and implementation of four USG certification charge modes, free Internet, charge Internet, certification charge Internet of presetting account name, and managing Internet through the original management system of hotel, are given more description. 重点讨论了免费上网、收费上网、预设账户上网的认证计费,以及通过原酒店管理系统管理上网等四种USG认证计费方式的提出背景、具体要求、设计思路及主要实现。
The performance of optoelectronic functional devices mainly exhibits as the generation, separation of excited charge carriers and the followed transportation of free charge carriers. The aggregation state of organic composite materials plays a vital role in determining the device performance. 光电功能器件的性能表现为激发态载流子的产生、解离和传输行为,复合材料的凝聚态结构对其激发态性能有着至关重要的影响。
It can be installed directly on home computer, and have a lot of advantages, such as easy-installing, easy-configuring and charge free. 该系统可以在家庭计算机上直接安装,具有安装简单、免费使用、易于配置等优点。